Friday, September 25, 2009

Entry #36 Isaac's Adventure with Kuwaiti Health Care

Little Isaac is always keeping us on our toes! From head injuries to enlarged tonsils we never know what to expect.

We noticed Isaac's enlarged tonsils last April and they have just been getting bigger and bigger. He was becoming more irritable and his appetite was almost non-existent. We were recommended to an ENT Doctor (trained in Germany with excellent English) by a friend. We phoned on Wednesday September 23rd in the morning and got in that night at 6:30.

We went to the appointment and he examined Isaac. We knew it wasn't good news when both the doctor and the nurse said "Oh My!" when Isaac opened his mouth. He then sent us to the first floor for an x-ray of his adenoids. There was no line up so we got right in and then waited 10 minutes for the report. Then we went back up to Dr. Attia and he saw us within 10 minutes. He looked at the x-ray and saw that the adenoids were enlarged and obstructing his airway. He recommended surgery with radio frequency. He looked at his calendar and booked us in for the 28th. We asked a few questions and then left with his x-ray and a picture of Isaac's tonsils. This whole process took 2 hours. In the car Jamie commented that I was being very calm. I told him that we have month to get used to this idea and he pointed out that it was on SEPT 28th, not Oct. 28th! Then I started to freak out!

Over the weekend we drove to the hospital to make sure we could get their without getting lost. It ended up being only about 10 minutes from our house. We went to see the doctor on Sunday at 5:00 for blood work and check up by the anaesthesiologist. (Did I spell that right?!?)

Friends took Zoe to school on the day of the surgery (she was not happy to be missing out on this exciting event!) And we headed off to the hospital with a very hungry and cranky little boy. It is hard to explain to a two year why they can't eat. We had no troubles getting admitted and we found out that our insurance would cover the procedure and the hospital room. Isaac had to take some medicine to relax him and we saw a glimpse of what Isaac is going to look like as a drunk teenager...drooling, giggling and droopy eyed. (Also a little violent!) He took a serious disliking to the gown they wanted him to wear and put up a solid effort to take it off. I was hit several times and it took two people to take him away from us and into the OR. I am not sure what injuries they incurred. And, of course, by this time I am weeping hysterically as my son is pulled from me. Good times, good times!

We waited in the hospital room for about 40 minutes when the doctor called to say everything went well and his adenoids were huge ("the size of dinosaurs"....who knew dinosaurs had adenoids??!) He was wheeled up to our room and looked so tiny in that big bed!! As soon as he saw us he wanted his blankie and promptly fell asleep for two hours.

When he woke up, the doctor came to talk to us and told us we could go. We gave Isaac just enough jello and apple juice for a good vomit all over Jamie and later in the car. (Just an FYI, vomit in a car when it is 40 degrees is not cool!) He was pretty quiet for the rest of the day but in good spirits. I stayed home with him on Tuesday to make sure he was okay. His voice seems higher and I guess that is normal (based on my googled information).

All this has happened in less then a week. Talking to friends at home I think this whole process for some could take close to 8 months! So besides us being away from our mom's during this time and sometimes not having a clue what people were saying to us due to language barriers (either lack of English or very heavy accents) it was a great experience and we are very happy that Isaac will be breathing easier now.

1 comment:

Seth and Christy said...

Assumption: Isaac will be a drunk teenager some day. Superb.