On March 18th AIS celebrated International Day and it was amazing. I could feel the energy and excitement that was running through the school. There were workshops, booths, assemblies, dances and lots of food. Apparently, the students running the Kuwaiti booth even brought in a baby camel...not sure how I missed that! Here are some pictures for your enjoyment.

Zoe and my dear friend Angie, who is Lebanese Australian.

Zoe, Hudson, and Maguire in front of the Canada booth.

Zoe at the Jordan booth.

Zoe and my student Elio. Elio was in the assembly doing the debkah dance from Lebanon.

Zoe at they Egyptian booth. She is quite excited about our trip to Egypt.

Some of my students at the whole school assembly.

Zoe and her classmates.

The Egypt booth

Angie and I. I wore Lulu Lemon attire for the day! Very Canadian but only Canadians understood the Canadian connection.
The Kuwaiti Booth (minus the camel)

Dancing and Drumming in the tennis courts.

Flora brought Isaac in for a bit to look around.
That picture of Isaac with Flora is so lovely! It makes me a little teary to think of you guys leaving her soon.
I was at the event and even looking at your pictures makes me think it was a good time! My zoebird looks fantastic. thanks for sharing these...Madine
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