Sunday, October 19, 2008

Entry #13 A Quick Update

School is in full swing here as we approach the first reporting period. Our marks are due into the office on the 22nd so Jamie and I are trying to get our marking finished and figure out how to use the computer program for the actual reports. Parent teacher interviews are next week and like home, only the parents you really don't need to see come in! I am excited because we will be meeting with Zoe's teacher to see how she is doing.

We are still waiting to get into the new "blue building". There was a meeting today where we were told that if the building was not ready in the next two weeks the school would break the contract with the landlord and other arrangements would be made. We would request to stay where we are but insist that some work be done in the apartment. We love our neighbours (Seth, Christie and Lewis) and often just leave our doors open and visit back and forth; everyone in the building is great.

Halloween is approaching and there will be pumpkin carving and trick or treating for the kids. We will be going through the teacher buildings so it should be a lot of fun. I was planning on bringing Zoe's old monkey costume for Isaac but a monkey costume takes up a lot of space in luggage so that idea was scrapped. Instead he will be a cowboy or pirate. I brought a beautiful pirate princess costume for Zoe but she hates it because it has pants! So she might be wearing her gurgiyan costume from October.

Sorry no pictures for this entry. I will do something fabulous for my next blog!

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