Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Entry #42 Dust, February Blues, Spray Foam, Desert Trips and Testicles

I have not had a chance to update our blog in almost three months so I will now try and sum up three months in a condescend yet humorous summary.

Dust: As I write this, I am looking out our window and can see the dust in the air. It gives everything an eerie orange hue and you can actually taste it when you sallow. There has been dust storms on and off for two weeks and it makes me miss our rainy Nova Scotia even more. Yes, I miss rain! Please remind me of this statement this summer when I complain bitterly about the rain!

February Blues: Through February I was tired all the time and even went for blood tests to rule out any medical problems. Everything came back fine, so I have self diagnosed myself with homesickness! There are so many things I miss about home, but the element I have been missing most is the familiarity of home. Living in a foreign country is an exercise in frustration and a test of one’s patience. We are still finding out where things are and why things happen the way they do. There is never a moment when your subconscious can just be. I feel like I can never truly relax. So, despite the fact we are in place that is almost always sunny (minus the dust storms), one can suffer from the February blues!

Spray Foam: Once again we were in Kuwait to celebrate Liberation Weekend (see entry #24). Many teachers try and leave for this long weekend to escape the crazy traffic and party goers. We stuck around and, like last year, we went walking along Gulf Road. I took both Isaac and Zoe this year and we had a great time. Not sure where the foam spraying came from but it is a lot of fun and the kids love it. Isaac was a little upset when he got foamed but he liked spraying the cars.

Isaac had trouble pressing down hard enough to get the foam to come out. In this picture he is using all his strength.

The day was a bit windy and dusty.
Desert trips: I am assuming that people can figure out from the title that we headed out to the desert a few more times. The temperature has been awesome here so a few families have gone out to enjoy the nice weather in the desert. Unfortunately, the spot we go has become more popular and we now have to compete with quads, dunebuggies, and fully built compounds for Kuwaiti campers (complete with satellites). The campers here have not heard of cleaning up after themselves so the beautiful desert is completely littered. It really is hard to get my head around people camping and leaving all of their food and garbage rotting in a spot they might return to the following month. We made the best of it and the kids adore climbing up the dunes and sliding down them. The campfire, complete with marshmellows, is a big hit as well.

Our friends Kim and Blair

Marshmellow fingers!
The boys being goofy!

Testicles: If my son wasn’t so cute I would return him (plus I can’t find the receipt!) Isaac had his second surgery this year on March 4th. This time it was for an undescended testicle. We were called into see the doctor on Tuesday at 5:00 pm and were told we would have the surgery the next day! Things move fast here. We quickly arranged our sub plans and headed to the hospital early the next morning. Everything went smoothly with the surgery and he was back in our room within an hour. I was calmer then last time and he was calmer too…not sure which caused what! I took the next day off to keep an eye on him and besides trying to keep him somewhat still he has recovered nicely. In my other entry about Isaac’s adenoid/tonsil surgery I included a cute picture of Isaac showing off his tonsils; I have decided not to include a picture this time…enough said!

1 comment:

Stephanie Reidy said...

All I can imagine is sand getting stuck in gooey marshmallow!